Oh man, can you believe there are only 2 days until Thanksgiving? Wait. . . let me rephrase that. . . 1 1/2. Yep. Are you ready? I think I might be, but I need to find the motivation deep down inside somewhere (I may have used it all yesterday). Now, maybe you feeling slightly like me that we somehow skipped Thanksgiving and went straight to Christmas thanks to nonstop Christmas music on the radio or the retail markets telling you that Christmas is coming quick and you need to buy, buy buy.
Regardless of how I am feeling, I am reminded that I need to give thanks in all things and consider it all joy. So, I am going to share with you some of the things I am thankful for at this moment:
:: nap time - oh boy! I love my son, but I love my time alone, too!
:: the stormy weather - can I just say, that the leaves look even more beautiful when it's raining.
:: my son - who entertains me, cuddles with me, loves me, and keeps me on my toes (I need it!)
:: my husband - who works hard so I can stay at home, loves me so much that he plans secret things for me, and does far more than he's even been asked.
:: good friends - who listen to your venting, watch your child on a moment's notice, and keep you accountable.
:: my extended family - they are just so supportive!
:: pumpkins - I just love pumpkins!!!!!
:: living in a country where we are free to worship God anytime and anywhere!
Now, just after thinking of eight different things, my heart if filled with joy and I am starting to feel a little more energized and motivated to get things going. If you are interested in ways to get your toddlers or kids actively participating in the Thanksgiving season, I have a feature on my personal blog called Toddler Time (it's kind of new), but it the beginnings of activities to do with your little one. There are some fun and meaningful Thanksgiving art projects, one in which really helps your kids to think of their own Thankful list. I would encourage you (time permitting), to go and check that out
If you have time, leave a comment about what you are thankful for. . .
Have a great Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!