Happy wonderful Fall Saturday! I am so excited that we have 22 followers. . . now. It is worth it, I promise. We have BIG plans for this blog. . . and we hope that it becomes a source of encouragement and connection for you.
I wanted to share this video at a MOPS night, but I thought you might want to enjoy it now. It is a commercial for Toyota Sienna that was not aired, but it is incredibly funny. Enjoy a laugh compliments of Toyota and enjoy this fall weather. . . hey, why not treat yourself to a pumpkin spice latte. . . it's not 90 degrees today (thank goodness!).
Oh and before I forget, don't forget to be praying/cheering for our fellow moms who are running the 1/2 marathon tomorrow morning! They have been working so hard the past few months!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Okay this is hilarious!