Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mentor Moms

Norma Froehmer
After 31 years of teaching, I have entered a new chapter in my life.  Retirement.  I have taught 1st - 3rd grades and have been teaching kindergarten for the last 21 years. What fun it was! 
I am a mother of two daughters - Andrea and Rene. I am a grandma too. I have three grandchildren and have so much fun when I get to spend time with them. Too bad they don't live in town.  I could spoil them even more.  I started attending The Bridge about 11 years ago.  I sing in the choir.  This year I finally became a member of the church,  joined a life group and now, another step out of my comfort zone, I am a mentor mom at MOPS.   A verse that encourages me at all times is Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Gretchen Freedman
Gretchen Freedman was born August 5, 1951 in Saskatoon Saskatewan Canada and adopted 6 months later by Loren and Dorothy McLachlan.  Loren & Dotty started Gretchen in ice skating and dance @ age 2 1/2 but, after a fall first time on the ice, Gretchen decided to focus on dance and scrap the ice skating.  At age 5 the family, along with older brother Bud, moved South as Mom Dotty had polio and needed a nice warm climate (thus the choice of Fresno!)  Gretchen continued with dance and eventually operated her own dance studios for 14 years.  Son Ryan was born on 5/28/78 & God followed up with Jarod on 3/28/81.  Gretchen wanted more time with her sons so got a "day job" working in hospice and foster care before finally becoming a school psychologist, a job she loved as it gave her the most time to be with her family.  Gretchen married Darryl on 1/25/97 and currently helps him part time in his law firm. Gretchen's girls arrived in the form of two beautiful daughter-in-laws - Marissa in 2005 and Ally in 2006. Thanks to God's grace in providing Gretchen remissions from Lupus And 2 kidney transplants she has been blest to be present for the welcoming of 4 grandsons - Tycen & Dylan (almost 3) & Zack & Dominic (both almost 1).
Most amazing fact about Gretchen's life?... ThAt God chose Me to be His own and loves me as if I were the only person in the world! (and, of course, praise be to God for He loves you that much too!)
Beverly Damm
We've been attending The Bridge for about 2 1/2 years now.  I actually started attending when I was in college, we got married at EV Free & attended until after our second child was about 2.  Then in April, 2008 we had been attending Valley Christian Center & decided to come visit, but Scott started a 10 week series that Sunday so continued coming to hear the rest & half way through both me & my husband decided we wanted to keep coming. I've been married for 28 years to Henry. I have 4 kids: Sarah - 25, married to Jeremy Albright, Jason - 22, engaged to Ani Paparigian, Kevin - 19, & Kelly - 12
I will be a first time grandma in late February, or early March.  Sarah is pregnant with twin boys.
I decided to be a mentor mom cause Jennifer Jenkins begged me to.  I agreed to come substitute one time, but I had such a good time that when asked to do it on  a regular basis, I said yes.
I majored in early childhood development & worked at a preschool right out of college.  Decided to go back to college & study to be a nurse, but once in the program found I didn't like it & in the mean time met & married my husband.  I quit school & worked as a phlebotomsist & lab assistant at my dad's medical labs until I had my first child.  Then I was a stay home mom until my 3rd child was 3.  Then I went to work as an accountant for our business, Big Bore Drilling.
Valerie Maurin
I have been married to Haig Maurin for 34 years and have 3 sons:  -Matthew (31 years) married to Heather, they live in Stockton. Matt is a teacher, Heather is a school psychologist. Grandson Mitchell born August 2010. -Kyle (29 years) married to DeAnna, they live in Fresno. Kyle owns his own construction company, DeAnna is a stay at home mom with our grandson Sylas (4) and granddaughter Afton (2). -Drew (25 years) single and works full-time for Hume Lake.  I was a stay at home mom until all my kids got into school, then I went back to school and got my RN. In 1996 I went to work in the NICU at Children's Hospital, went back to school and got my BS in Nursing in 2007. I currently am a nurse case manager in the Rehab Department.  My mom says I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 4 years old, so my Christian life has been one of loving Jesus as a child and growing in Him all my life. My passion in life is to "walk in a manner worthy of the calling" and encouraging others to do the same. I also enjoy studying the Bible, reading, teaching and walking along side others in this journey called life. 

Carol Calahan
I've been married to Terry Calahan for 38 years and we have been privileged to raise five wonderful children: Julie, Daniel, Joel, Charla and Charity. Their age span covers sixteen years so I had at least one preschooler at home for 20 years! Great fun! And challenging at times! We came to the Bridge 30 years ago when Julie was in first grade so all our kids have been raised in this church. I am thankful for that heritage and spiritual support for them growing up.  .For the past 10 years I've been employed in Special Education as an Instructional Assistant and currently work with middle school students. However, for the past 35 years I have never regretted being primarily a stay at home mom. Ministries I've been involved in include coordinating the children's ministry for Study 'n Share here at our church, leading women's Bible studies, counseling and currently I'm a Stephen Minister, deaconess and help in the library. I love missions and encouraging others and am passionate about the importance of prayer. Moms in Touch prayer groups have been vital for me as a mom for the past 22 years. I strongly encourage young moms to join with other women in praying for their children. Learn to praise Him in every situation. God certainly does hear our prayers and He answers (Ps 18 ). He gives strength to us moms and wisdom that we need as He loves and cares for us and our children. 
Dana Johnson
I have been attending the Bridge Church for Awana for 20 years (with my kids) and for church,10 years. Chris and I have been married for 28 years, and our anniversary is April 3, 1982. We have two kids: a son born in 1985 and a daughter born in 1987. They are 20 months apart. I have accepted the MOPS mentor invitation because as a Titus 2 woman I am called by God to be used for Him to bless and encourage others moms. I love the Lord and will be used for His good purpose. The advice that I give is to love the Lord and to lean on Him. Always go to the Lord. He is my rock and will always be there for me. There will be good times and hard times, up times and down times.  Careers that I have wanted: to be a Flight Attendant, to be a MOM, to be a good wife and mother to my children. My current jobs are volunteer childrens leader for BSF Bible study, Substitute teacher with Fresno Unified in grades pre-k thru high school, Docent at the Muex Home, Board of Directors Treasurer for the Rogue Festival for California, and volunteer helper for Sunday School here at the Bridge church.
Joyce Ens
How thankful I am that I was raised in a Christian home. I accepted Christ when I was a young girl. We've attended the Bridge since 1991. Gene and I have had some great anniversaries. We've always tried to include all our children- 3 sons and now 3 daughter-in-laws, 8 grandchildren and a great granddaughter.   I was a stay-home-mom until our youngest son was in 1st grade. While I was home I took in ironing for a couple of families. Later I worked for the Social Security Administration for 31 years. I started singing as a young girl and have enjoyed singing in high school, college, and church choirs. Bible Study has been such an encouragement to me. I've grown and continue to grow in the Lord. He's been so precious to me. I want to walk in His love.  Being a Mentor Mom has been a blessing to me. Titus 2 instructs "The older women to train the younger women" and you gals are some of those special women. 

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